onsdag 9. januar 2013

Siv Jensen er kanskje gått litt lei?

Så i Aftenposten at Siv Jensen ikke er imot annen kultur enn vår egen. Men imot hva hun visstnok kaller ukultur. Først mente hun at vi utsettes for snik-islamisering. Deretter mente hun visst ikke dette allikevel. Nå mener hun at det er greit med andre kulturer enn vår egen. Med dette bekrefter hun at hun er tilhenger av multi-kultur. Men hva innebærer så dette? Det finnes ikke annen ukultur enn kultur som ikke er norsk; i vårt eget land. Hvis hun altså slår ring rundt begrepet multi-kultur, betyr dette at hun åpner opp for andre kulturer. Og da blir det et stort problem for mange vil jeg tro; siden den kulturen hun da åpner opp for er en kultur som vi er mange nå som forakter, nemlig muslimsk. Multi-kultur betyr at alle kulturer og religioner er likestilt. Per definisjon. Siv Jensen burde kjenne til hvordan det hele startet i 1974; og som er beskrevet i boka til Bat Ye'or med tittelen «The Eurabia code».

Jeg har tillatt meg å klippe og lime.

Euro-Arab Dialogue Symposia conducted in Venice (1977) and Hamburg (1983) included
recommendations that have been successfully implemented…

4. The necessity of cooperation between European and Arab specialists in order to present
a positive picture of Arab-Islamic civilisation and contemporary Arab issues to the educated
public in Europe.

The Euro-Arab Dialogue (EAD) is a political, economic and cultural institution designed to
ensure perfect cohesion between Europeans and Arabs. Its structure was set up at
conferences in Copenhagen (15 December 1973), and Paris (31 July 1974).

The principal agent of this policy is the European Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation,
founded in 1974. The other principal organs of The Dialogue are the MEDEA Institute and
the European Institute of Research on Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation, created in
1995 with the backing of the European Commission.
In an interview with Jamie Glazov of Frontpage Magazine, Ye'or explained how "in domestic
policy, the EAD established a close cooperation between the Arab and European media
television, radio, journalists, publishing houses, academia, cultural centers, school
textbooks, student and youth associations, tourism.

Church interfaith dialogues were determinant in the development of this policy. Eurabia is therefore this strong Euro-Arab network of associations - a comprehensive symbiosis with cooperation and partnership on policy, economy, demography and culture."

Eurabia's driving force, the Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation, was
created in Paris in 1974. It now has over six hundred members - from all major European
political parties - active in their own national parliaments, as well as in the European
parliament. France continues to be the key protagonist of this association.

Siv Jensen lefler nå med partiet Høyre; for å få en plass i morgendagens regjering. Lover dette bra, da?

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